
stylegan2 interpolation on various e-certificate shared online [publicly]

Primary LanguageHTML

  • satuin gambar, dengan cara cari seluruh format gambarnya pake glob, terus pindahin ke satu folder aja
  • search duplicated dataset with phash
  • buat model untuk cek ini sertif yang beneran apa nggak -> simple cnn would do i guess?
  • training pipeline di kedro


see you in a month. lol. training has begun see you in 10 days

batch #1

training is actually done, first batch evaluations are:

  • log loss didn't converge
    • images are too "unique"
    • incosistent padding / whitespaces that surrounds the image
    • karena di paksa resize 512 * 512, some vertical aspect ratio certificate got squished. guess will try to find them and kill delete them

batch #2

fixes to do:

  • sertifikat classifier
  • gak usah di dedupe, 'agak mirip' is fine -> set the threshold to be >=2
  • re-label the sertifikat classifier images, for a better criteria
  • watch dog kalo model udah selesai training -> upload ke drive
  • watch dog biar modelnya yang disimpen cuman 2 aja