
An example of integrating {steveproj} (and {stevetemplates}) with {targets} for a reproducible workflow

Primary LanguageR

An example of {steveproj} (and {stevetemplates}) with {targets} for a reproducible workflow

So, briefly, before this becomes a bigger tutorial, fork this project on Github. Fire up Rstudio, and run the following commands to make sure you have the appropriate packages installed. {steveproj} is not strictly required, but it will eventually become a shortcut toward generating this kind of project in Rstudio.

packs <- c("targets", # <- main package of interest here
           # Below: primary engines for documents
           "rmarkdown", "bookdown", "stevetemplates", 
           # Below: stuff for toy analysis example 
           "stevedata", "tidyverse", "modelr", "stevemisc",
           # Below: add-ons for formatting regression tables in ms.Rmd
           "huxtable", "kableExtra", "flextable", "modelsummary")
new_pack <- packs[!(packs %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new_pack)) install.packages(new_pack)

Assuming all those packages are installed, run the following functions. These will make the {targets} machine fire up and be ready to go brrr.


Now, check this out.


If you want to do this interactively so you can monkey around with the main objects, do this.
