
A rofi GUI for the standard unix password manager.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A rofi GUI for the standard unix password manager.


  • GUI password store browser.
  • Password search via normal, regex, glob and fuzzy filters.
  • Convenient autofill/copy to clipboard commands for common fields.

a screenshot of the main menu

  • GPG pinentry prompt via rofi.

a screenshot of the gpg pinentry integration

  • GUI password entry viewer.
  • Support for arbitrary UTF-8 data in password entry files.

a screenshot of the password entry viewer

  • GUI prompt for editing fields.

a screenshot of the password entry field editor




  • pass (the password store)
  • rofi (draws the GUI)
  • xclip (copies data to the clipboard)
  • xdotool (autofills data)
  • xwininfo (selects the target window for autofill)


  • libdbus-1 is required for desktop notifications

Binary installation

  1. Make sure you have all the required dependencies.
  2. Grab the latest binary from the releases page.
  3. Put pass-rofi-gui somewhere in your $PATH.
  4. (Optionally) create a keybinding in your desktop environment to launch pass-rofi-gui.

Building from source

  1. Install rustup.
  2. Install the latest stable rust toolchain with rustup toolchain install stable.
  3. Clone the project locally with git clone git@github.com:alecdwm/pass-rofi-gui.git.
  4. Change to the cloned directory with cd pass-rofi-gui.
  5. Build the project with cargo build --release.
  6. Copy the binary from target/release/pass-rofi-gui to somewhere in your $PATH.
  7. (Optionally) create a keybinding in your desktop environment to launch pass-rofi-gui.


$ pass-rofi-gui --help
pass-rofi-gui 1.1.0
alecdwm <alec@owls.io>
A rofi GUI for the standard unix password manager.

    pass-rofi-gui [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help         Prints help information
        --no-notify    Disables desktop notifications
    -V, --version      Prints version information

        --browser <browser>                          Sets the browser for opening URLs [env: BROWSER=]
        --password-store-dir <password-store-dir>
            Overrides the default password storage directory [env: PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=]

        --rofi-matching <rofi-matching>
            Sets the rofi matching method [default: normal]  [possible values: normal, regex, glob, fuzzy]