
Ember cli addon to provide a component that uses Google Places API to autocomplete place information when people write their address

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Ember Place Autocomplete

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Ember cli addon to provide a component that uses Google Places API to autocomplete place information when someone writes an address in a text field.

This addon is very simple and just give you all the information of a place from google, you can do whatever you want with that information using a callback function in your controller.



ember install ember-place-autocomplete


In order to use this addon you just have to use the component in your templates.

  value= model.address
  handlerController= this
  inputClass= 'place-autocomplete--input'
  focusOutCallback='done' //Name of the action in the controller
  placeChangedCallback='placeChanged' //Name of the action in the controller
  types='(cities)' //You don't have to pass this value, default value is 'geocode'
  restrictions= restrictionsObjectFromController // You can pass and object with restriction options.
  withGeoLocate= true // You don't have to pass this value, default value is false
  setValueWithProperty= 'formatted_address' // Optional, default is formatted_address
  preventSubmit= true // You don't have to pass this value, default value is false. Prevents the form to be submitted if the user hits ENTER

You can supply your own Google API key or client ID in config/environment.js. You may also choose to exclude the Google API from the page if it is already loaded in your app. You may also choose to set the specific version of the google api.

ENV['place-autocomplete'] = {
  exclude: true,
  key: 'AIZ...',
  client: 'gme-myclientid',
  version: 3.27, // Optional - if client is set version must be above 3.24
  language: 'en', // Optional - be default will be based on your browser language
  region: 'GB' // Optional


option description
value Model attribute whe re the address attribute is going to be stored.
handlerController Controller that is going to handle the callbacks functions that could be triggered from the component.
focusOutCallback String : Name of the function that is going to be executed after focus out in the address input
placeChangedCallback String : Name of the function that is going to be executed when address changed
inputClass String : CSS class for the input.
types String: featured types separate by comma describing the given result, for more info Available types
restrictions Object: ex. {country: "us"}, more info Component Restrictions
withGeoLocate Boolean: ex. true, It allows searching places near by the coordinates given into browser. more info See attribute options.bounds
setValueWithProperty String: Name of the property returned by Google to set the input field value after selection. more info about properties available you can find here
latLngBounds Object: ex. {sw: {lat: -34, lng: 151}, ne: {lat: -33, lng: 152}}, It allows searching places near by the given coordinates. more info See attribute options.bounds
preventSubmit Boolean: ex. true, allows to prevent the form to be submitted if the user selects a location and hit ENTER

withGeoLocate in True



This controller action is going to receive a javascript object with the response from Google Places API (Response details). You can use the information as you wish.


  "address_components": [
      "long_name": "Carrera 65",
      "short_name": "Cra. 65",
      "types": [
      "long_name": "Medellín",
      "short_name": "Medellín",
      "types": [
      "long_name": "Antioquia",
      "short_name": "Antioquia",
      "types": [
      "long_name": "Colombia",
      "short_name": "CO",
      "types": [
  "adr_address": "<span> class=\"street-address\"</span>Cra. 65</spa>n</span>, <span> class=\"locality\"</span>Medellín</spa>n</span>, <span> class=\"region\"</span>Antioquia</spa>n</span>, <span> class=\"country-name\"</span>Colombia</spa>n</span>",
  "formatted_address": "Cra. 65, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia",
  "geometry": {
    "location": {}
  "icon": "https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/geocode-71.png",
  "id": "22239bf10d4e7c0cc69bf635098c0d61c1a5b69e",
  "name": "Carrera 65",
  "place_id": "ChIJf_jt0QIpRI4RJ3oqKTE4GB0",
  "reference": "CpQBhQAAAC6cyMkVkoXenESGPRBGIFfY4hK6Mz7Z_OHK78V-fEcZeKwvB6Hh4vTh42NpH_8CuFBDNxx6-GObDN0VYsF9wEy3Sqn85-r15w2pG6VUZb8L4xUBTQiFE5_7hpOO7SbQhuQ_DJQj0OsA5HzmdCCsn4P9JFn_UEy05haFsF4wIDQIZrIt7PYdvVvZpuuohJBhxxIQHFOm6bZXMG6aCTQeRTsBThoUAUWEkPRslBO2jYpJBLsvTNC9QXU",
  "scope": "GOOGLE",
  "types": [
  "url": "https://maps.google.com/maps/place?q=Cra.+65,+Medell%C3%ADn,+Antioquia,+Colombia&&ftid=0x8e442902d1edf87f:0x1d183831292a7a27",
  "vicinity": "Medellín",
  "html_attributions": []

Security policy

If you are using ember-cli-content-security-policy in your application, you have to add google maps to your white list in your config environment .


    contentSecurityPolicy: {
      'default-src': "'none'",
      'script-src': "'self' 'unsafe-eval' *.googleapis.com maps.gstatic.com",
      'font-src': "'self' fonts.gstatic.com",
      'connect-src': "'self' maps.gstatic.com",
      'img-src': "'self' *.googleapis.com maps.gstatic.com csi.gstatic.com data:",
      'style-src': "'self' 'unsafe-inline' fonts.googleapis.com maps.gstatic.com assets-cdn.github.com"

Acceptance tests

If you're writting acceptance tests for a part of you're application that interacts with place-autocomplete-field you will need to mock google's Autocomplete. The before each action of your acceptance test is a good place to do it.

Here's the code you need to add to your acceptance test file. And here's the GooglePlaceAutocompleteResponseMock file with a fake response.

import GooglePlaceAutocompleteResponseMock from './../helpers/google-place-autocomplete-response-mock';

    // Mock only google places
    window.google.maps.places.Autocomplete = function() {
      return {
        addListener(event, f) {
        getPlace() {
          return GooglePlaceAutocompleteResponseMock;
        Circle(center, radio) {
          this.center = center;
          this.radio = radio;
          return {
            getBounds() {
              return {c: this.center, r: this.radio};
        setBounds(circle) {
          return circle;



  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • cd ember-place-autocomplete
  • yarn install


Running Tests

  • yarn test (Runs ember try:each to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.