
BAU 2021 – 2022 SPRING CMP2004 Advanced Programming Term Project

You are expected to implement a simple wordle game with the following scenario: You need to create a meaningful word database. There 5 tries. On each trial, the user needs to enter 5 characters and these characters must be matched with the database. If the user finds a correct letter in the correct position that letter’s color change to green but if it is in the wrong position, that time color must be yellow.

Minimum Criteria:

Proper object-oriented (OO) hierarchy (Use concepts of interfaces, and abstract classes while designing OO hierarchy)
You need to create one wordle puzzle.
On the opening page, the user needs to select keyboard play or drag and drop play.
Keyboard play means the user can enter letters using the keyboard.
Drag and drop play means the user needs to drag and drop letters to puzzle.
You need to use the mouse or key listeners
Minimal GUI elements (Minimal a button, a checkbox, and a text field)
You need to show time information using GUI elements.
End of the game, you need to show suitable animations. (For example, if the user found the word, confetti will show on the frame.)
Graphics (Java 2D API usage while designing your graphical elements)
Create a jar file
You need to show high score and store it in a file.
Two users play in one frame with the same puzzles
Visitors can watch the game
You need to load high score information from a file.
You need store and show detailed statistics about user letter usage.