
questions about the dataset

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Hello, I'm not very clear about some parts of this dataset. Can you help me?
In this project, we need to run extract_ frames. py to extract frames from video of bdd100k dataset. I can't judge whether I am right or wrong in this step.
Firstly, The problem is that the frame I extracted is rotated 180 ° clockwise. Then, the number of frames extracted here is not exactly the same as that given in file train_day.list. For example, about video, I extracted 1205 pictures, but it is indicated in the train_day.list that the video has 1202 frames in total.
Did my operation cause an error? Can you give an example of this process? We look forward to your reply. Thank you very much.

And I want to ask, from Table 3 in the paper, [top-1, top-5, top-10, top-1%] = [15.2, 27.2, 33.8, 91.9] is the result of the Step-1 of the hierarchical approach?

Thanks for your reply.
I run extract_ All images I got are inverted. For example, about in the training set. The image I got is as follows. Is this the frame picture used in your experiment?
Thanks again for your reply.

This is the result of running extract_ frames. py directly. Would you please check the code?
Can you upload a result of extract_ frames. py for a video?Thanks very much.

This is the result of running extract_ frames. py directly. Would you please check the code? Can you upload a result of extract_ frames. py for a video?Thanks very much.

Same problem! I've spent a lot of time understanding the code. Were you able to fix it? @svyas23 Thank you for your time.

And I want to ask, from Table 3 in the paper, [top-1, top-5, top-10, top-1%] = [15.2, 27.2, 33.8, 91.9] is the result of the Step-1 of the hierarchical approach?

Yes that's true

I have a similar concern regarding the dataset processing code "extract_ frames. py". The original code I pulled from your repository might have some bugs and cannot be run directly. After the modification by myself, the same situation as others occurred: the extracted image was incorrect. Could you please take a look and help resolve them? Thank you!