
Android application that display image feed from remote source (most recent Flickr photos)

Primary LanguageJava

Test task

Android application, that displays image feed from remote source(most recent Flickr photos).

  • Displays list of images in a scrollable GridView
  • Displays image title provided by feed on top of each image
  • Downloads image list from online source (for example https://www.flickr.com/services/api/explore/flickr.photos.getRecent)
  • Downloads each image in background, update UI when image is ready
  • UI scroll smoothly
  • Cancellation download requests when image is no longer needed (i.e. user scrolls away from it)
  • Implemented parallel download limit while keeping application responsible
  • Implemented page-based list retrieval (download next page when reaching end of list)
  • Cached downloaded images on disk
  • Applied blur to image segment under image title

For detail description see task.txt file in data folder

How it works (YouTube demo):

Also available here http://youtu.be/EexxX-yw8QQ

YouTube demo