
Template project using Springboot WebFlux + Docker

Primary LanguageJava


This is a template for generate a Spring Boot Webflux Project, build in a Gradle Docker and run in Docker Instances, helps to ensure is no "works on my system".

Build Project

  • docker run --rm -u gradle -v "$PWD":/home/gradle/project -w /home/gradle/project gradle:5.4.1-jdk11 gradle build: Build the project using a Gradle Docker and generate the JAR file at build/libs/project.jar

Run Project

  • docker-compose up -d: Create and Start Docker Instances;
  • docker ps: Check docker instances, there are one instance spring-app and other spring-mongodb;
  • http://localhost:8080/hello: Test the Hello World!!!

Rebuild the Project after changes

  • docker-compose stop: Stop all Instances from docker-compose.yml file;
  • docker rm spring-app: Delete the App Docker Instance;
  • docker rmi springboot-webflux-docker_springboot: Delete The App Docker Image;
  • Build Project;
  • Run Project.


Docker Images

  • gradle: Image with Gradle;
  • openjdk: Image with Java JDK 11;
  • demo_springboot: Image based on openjdk that contain the JAR file;
  • mongo: Image with MongoDB.

Docker Instances

  • spring-app: Running the demo_springboot image. There are a service with Netty Server running the JAR file at port 8080;
  • spring-mongo: Running the mongo image. There are a service with Mongo DB Instance at port 27017.

Docker Commands

  • docker ps: show all Docker Instances running;
  • docker ps -a: show all Docker Instances;
  • docker images: show all Images;
  • docker-compose stop: Stop all Instances from docker-compose.yml file;