
Prometheus service discovery for OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)

Primary LanguageGoBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

OCI Service Discovery

Build Status Go Report Card GoDoc CII Best Practices

Prometheus service discovery for OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure).


  1. How it works
  2. How to use it
  3. How to build it
  4. Configuration
  5. Metadata labels
  6. Example
  7. License

How it works

❗This fork support pagination during ListInstances request

Unfortunately, Prometheus team doesn't accept new service discovery integrations in the Prometheus code base. Instead, they propose to use file SD integration. Therefore, OCI Service Discovery works in following manner:

OCI-SD sequence diagram

As should be obvious from the diagram, synchronization of monitored targets (i.e. OCI instances) happens via shared oci-sd.json file (the file name can be arbitrary):

  1. OCI-SD periodically provides this file
  2. Prometheus periodically consumes it.

Please note, that those discoveries/scrapings are independent of each other.

How to use it

OCI-SD can be used in two ways: either as a standalone, CLI application, or as a Golang package which can be imported to your application.

Standalone application

You can build and run a command line application oci-sd. Once properly configured (see the Configuration section), the application starts to query OCI for list of instances and write those to the oci-sd.json file.

You can run the application with default values for configuration and output files:


Or you can provide specific values via command-line flags:

./bin/oci-sd -c conf/oci-sd.toml -o conf/prometheus-sd.json

See an Example section for a practical example and tutorial.

Golang package

If you don't want to have a separate standalone application for service discovery, you can include the oci (and probably the adapter) package(s) into your application.

Here is an example usage:

ociConfig := oci.SDConfig{
    // populate the config
logger := logrus.StandardLogger()

disc, err := oci.NewDiscovery(&ociConfig, logger)
if err != nil {
    logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"func": "main", "err": err}).Fatal("can't create OCI discovery")

sdOutputFile := "oci-sd.json"
adapter = adapter.NewAdapter(ctx, sdOutputFile, "ociSD", disc, *logger)

How to build a standalone application

Prerequisites for build of oci-sd as a standalone application is go1.11+ and make:

make build


OCI-SD configuration

Command line flags

You can run oci-sd --help to see command line configuration flags:

$ ./bin/oci-sd --help
Usage of ./bin/oci-sd:
  -t, --compartment string   compartment for discovering targets
  -c, --config-file string   external config file (default "oci-sd.toml")
  -l, --log-directory string log file location (default "/var/log/oci-sd/")
  -i, --instance-principal   initialise with instance principal authentication
  -o, --output-file string   output file for file_sd compatible file (default "oci-sd.json")
  -s, --sanitise             sanitise instance tags to fit Prometheus requirements by removing special characters (:, -)

Configuration file

The configuration file (e.g. oci-sd.toml) should contain following mandatory values:

User = "ocid1.user.1"
FingerPrint = "42:42:42"
KeyFile = "/home/user/.oci/oci_api_key.pem"
PassPhrase = "secret"
Tenancy = "ocid1.tenancy.1"
Region = "us-phoenix-1"
Compartment = "ocid1.compartment.1"

Additionally, there can be following optional values:

Port = 4242               # default port is 9100
RefreshInterval = "120s"  # default interval is 60 seconds

Prometheus configuration

Here is Prometheus configuration for the file based service discovery:

  - job_name: "oci-sd"
    scrape_interval: 5s
      - files:
          - oci-sd.json
        refresh_interval: 1m
      - source_labels: ["__meta_oci_public_ip"]
        target_label: "__address__"
        replacement: "${1}:9100"

Metadata labels

The following meta-labels are available on targets during re-labeling:

  • __meta_oci_availability_domain: the availability domain in which the instance is running
  • __meta_oci_compartment_id: OCID of the used compartment
  • __meta_oci_defined_tag_<namespace>_<tagkey>: each defined tag value of the instance
  • __meta_oci_freeform_tag_<tagkey>: each freeform tag value of the instance
  • __meta_oci_instance_id: OCID of the instance
  • __meta_oci_instance_name: the name of the instance
  • __meta_oci_instance_state: the state of the instance
  • __meta_oci_private_ip: the private IP address of the instance
  • __meta_oci_public_ip: the public IP address of the instance, if available


The default log location is /var/log/oci-sd/oci-sd.log. It can be changed by passing in a custom --log-directory variable.


You can find an example for standalone application in the example directory. It contains:

  • oci-sd configuration file.
  • Terraform scripts which create 3 OCI instances with running node_exporters.
  • Prometheus configuration file with pre-configured file_sd scrape config and oci-sd specific re-labeling.

See example/README.md file for more details.


The oci-sd application and the oci package are published under BSD 3-Clause license.

The adapter package is published under Apache 2.0 license.