React Static Podcast hosting

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The builds for this have been cobbled together so they are a little messy. Here's a quick guide to the npm scripts:

  • build:stylus: the player was taken from, which was written in .styl. We use stylus to compile to a single css file which we simply import into Player. So run this script whenever you change the .styl file.

We've put it into the build script so that you don't forget to run them but you should just know whats going on in case you need to debug stuff.

Markdown content goes in the content folder, and should have a mp3URL field pointing to its associated sound file. In this example I have put that inside public/episodes/ to avoid file copying on build, but you are welcome to modify this once you are comfortable with the code. See the podcats documentation for an example of the kind of markdown + mp3 pairing that is expected.

Feed validators for testing

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