USC CSCI 699 Data-Centric NLP Course Website

This is the source code for the course website for USC CSCI 699: Data-Centric NLP, to be taught in Fall 2022.

It is a Jekyll site based on a few modifications to the Just the Class template, which is itself built on the Just the Docs theme. See those repositories for details on their structure and features. Additional thanks to Julian Michael for sharing the codebase for the UW CSE 599D1 Computational Ethics in NLP class.


To preview the site locally, make sure ruby is installed, then run bundle exec jekyll serve from the base directory of the repository. Then you can see the site at localhost:4000/courses/22f/csci699-dcnlp/. See Setting up your GitHub Pages site locally with Jekyll for more details.

git add
git commit -m "Message"
git push

No need for special ruby environments.