
Python module for interfacing with HTCondor to create, submit, and manage high throughput computing jobs.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


condorpy:Python interface for high throughput computing with HTCondor
Version: 0.3.1
Author: Scott Christensen
Team:Tethys Platform
License:BSD 2-Clause


Condorpy is a wrapper for the command line interface (cli) of HTCondor and enables creating submitting and monitoring HTCondor jobs from Python. HTCondor must be installed to use condorpy.


$ pip install condorpy

Code Example:

>>> from condorpy import Job, Templates
>>> job = Job('job_name', Templates.vanilla_transfer_files)
>>> job.executable = 'job_script'
>>> jobs.arguments = 'input_1 input_2'
>>> job.transfer_input_files = 'input_1 input_2'
>>> job.transfer_output_files = 'output'
>>> job.submit()