
twilio/freshbooks example

Primary LanguageRuby


A sample Freshbooks/Twilio application built to enter the latest Twilio contest and satisfy my own curiousity about the API.

Basically Guido grabs your outstanding invoices and displays a list of customers, giving you the option to click-to-call customers, and add annotations about what transpired on the call.

I profusely apologize for the lack of comments, test cases, and ugly controllers.


You need to pass your API keys and phone number in as environment variables.

export MY_PHONE=your 10 digit phone number export TWILIO_SID=your twilio SID export TWILIO_TOKEN=your twilio token export FRESHBOOKS_URL="example.freshbooks.com" export FRESHBOOKS_TOKEN=your Freshbook API token

or, in Heroku, look at heroku config

Some notes about problems I ran into: http://ertw.com/blog/2011/06/16/freshbooksheroku-and-twilio-apis/