
Docs of the Hugging Face Hub

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hub Documentation

Welcome to the documentation repository for Hugging Face Hub. This repository contains the documentation and information hosted on the Hugging Face website.

Accessing Documentation

You can find the Hugging Face Hub documentation in the docs folder. For direct access, visit: hf.co/docs/hub.

Related Components

Explore these related components for more utilities and features:

Contributing to the Documentation

To contribute:

  1. Edit/Add Markdown Files: Make changes directly to the Markdown files in this repository.
  2. Commit Changes: Commit your changes and create a Pull Request (PR).
  3. CI Bot Preview: After creating a PR, the CI bot will build a preview of your changes. You will receive a URL to review the result.

For straightforward edits, you do not need a local build environment.

Previewing Documentation Locally

To preview the documentation changes on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Install Doc-Builder:

    pip install hf-doc-builder
  2. Install Additional Dependencies (if needed):

    pip install black watchdog
  3. Run the Preview Command:

    doc-builder preview hub {YOUR_PATH}/hub-docs/docs/hub/ --not_python_module

Replace {YOUR_PATH} with the path to the cloned repository on your local machine.