
IaC: Manager Node setup in AWS with Terraform

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

IaC: Manager Node (Jump Server)

This terraform script will setup an infrastructure for management in AWS and will create following resources:

  • Manager Node (CentOS)
  • VPC
  • Management subnet
  • Internet gateway
  • An IAM role attached to the Manager node which has the following access.
    • ec2
    • elasticloadbalancing
    • cloudwatch
    • autoscaling
    • lambda
    • logs
    • s3
    • elasticache
    • ecr
    • route53
    • route53domains
    • apigateway
    • es
    • iam
    • events


  • An IAM account with the following access:

    • AmazonEC2FullAccess
    • IAMFullAccess
    • AmazonVPCFullAccess
  • Install terraform on your machine.

  • Public Key Access with Agent support/ Agent Forwarding:

    ssh-add <key_pair_name>.pem

Steps for installation

  • Clone this repo.
  • cp terraform.dummy terraform.tfvars
  • Modify params in terraform.tfvars
  • Modify params in variable.tf to change subnet or add AMI accordingly to your aws region
  • Export AWS credentials as bash variables (e.g. ap-northeast-1 for Tokyo and ap-southeast-1 for Singapore region):
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="anaccesskey" 
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="asecretkey"
export TF_VAR_AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="ap-northeast-1"
  • Run terraform plan to see the plan to execute.
  • Run terraform apply to run the scripts.
  • You may have prod/dev/stage configurations in terraform.tfvars.{prod/dev/stage} files (already ignored by .gitignore).


ssh -A centos@<manager_public_ip>

Generate Docs

Generate terraform documentation by running bash generate-docs.sh


  • SSH into the manager node and check whether terraform.out in home/centos contains: a record of the VPC, Subnet, Security Group and Nat gateway ID.
  • More details on terraform-docs.