Seeed Arduino Audio Library

This is a fork of

The original library is written for Teensy 3.x/ Teensy 4.x and this is ported to work with I2S peripherals on SAMD21 and SAMD51 devices.

It is a 16 bit, 44.1 kHz streaming audio library, featuring:

  • Polyphonic Playback
  • Recording
  • Synthesis
  • Analysis
  • Effects
  • Filtering
  • Mixing
  • Multiple Simultaneous Inputs & Outputs
  • Flexible signal routing between library objects
  • Automatic Streaming while your Arduino sketch runs

Original Audio Library Page

Audio System Design Tool

Use this graphical tool to design your audio project. Easily browse the library's many features, connect objects, export to Arduino code, and quickly access details for the functions each object provides for you to control it from your Arduino sketch!

Wav2Sketch Utility

This is a tool to convert .wav audio files to C data arrays. After cloning this repo, navigate to Seeed_Arduino_Audio > extras > wav2sketch and then open wav2sketch.html to access the tool.