
Supplementary code I used in the "Build your first MapReduce with Hadoop and Ruby" at the BRUG March meet-up.

Primary LanguageRuby

Start Hadoop


Formatting HDFS for the task

hadoop namenode -format

Check if everything went well

# should list /tmp
hadoop fs -ls / 

Sanity check:

http://localhost:50070/ # NameNode  
http://localhost:50030/ # JobTracker  

Put Data in HDFS

# create directories
hadoop fs -mkdir pg
hadoop fs -mkdir pg_output
# copy files
hadoop fs -put input/pg11.txt pg/
hadoop fs -put input/pg174.txt pg/
hadoop fs -put input/pg844.txt pg/
hadoop fs -put input/pg1661.txt pg/
# list all
hadoop fs -ls pg

Run tasks

cd code/alphabeta/
sh stream.sh