High throughput genotyping with sequencing

Shichen Wang, Feb 18 2020.


mkdir $SCRATCH/genotyping
cd $SCRATCH/genotyping


Download tools and sample data

  1. Tools
 wget --no-check-certificate 'https://doc.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1Y2Imq_wrMIq2ZydgBCdCW_ioC6t9WtAY' -O tools.tar
 wget http://bit.ly/38EXFCM -O tools.tar
  1. Data
 wget http://bit.ly/2uRMfNl -O data.tar

Extract files

tar xvf tools.tar
mv Tools pl_scripts ~/

tar xvf data.tar

Analysis steps:

Prepare the reference genome

module load picard/2.15.0-Java-1.8.0
module load SAMtools/1.1-intel-2015B
module load Bowtie2

f=$(perl -e '$f=shift; $f=~s/\.fa$//; print $f, "\n"' $ref)

bowtie2-build $ref  $ref
java -jar  /sw/eb/software/picard/2.15.0-Java-1.8.0/picard.jar  CreateSequenceDictionary R=$ref O=${ref}.dict
ln -s ${ref}.dict ${f}.dict
samtools faidx $ref
ln -s ${ref}.fai ${f}.fai

1. Quality control

module load Trimmomatic/0.38-Java-1.8.0
# sample_1
java -jar $EBROOTTRIMMOMATIC/trimmomatic-0.38.jar PE -threads 2 $SCRATCH/genotyping/fastsq/sample_1_R1.fq.gz $SCRATCH/genotyping/fastsq/sample_1_R2.fq.gz  $SCRATCH/genotyping/fastsq/QC/sample_1_F.fq.gz  $SCRATCH/genotyping/fastsq/QC/sample_1_FU.fq.gz  $SCRATCH/genotyping/fastsq/QC/sample_1_R.fq.gz $SCRATCH/genotyping/fastsq/QC/sample_1_RU.fq.gz  ILLUMINACLIP:$EBROOTTRIMMOMATIC/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:36

# QC for all samples
mkdir fastq/QC
for input1 in `dir fastq/*R1.fq.gz`; do
  sample_name=$(perl -e '$f=shift; print $1 if $f=~/fastq\/(sample_\d+)/' $input1)
  output_R1=$(dirname $input1)/QC/${sample_name}_F.fq.gz
  output_R1_single=$(dirname $input1)/QC/${sample_name}_FS.fq.gz
  output_R2=$(dirname $input1)/QC/${sample_name}_R.fq.gz
  output_R2_single=$(dirname $input1)/QC/${sample_name}_RS.fq.gz

  cmd="java -jar $EBROOTTRIMMOMATIC/trimmomatic-0.38.jar PE -threads 2 $input1 $input2 $output_R1 $output_R1_single $output_R2 $output_R2_single ILLUMINACLIP:$EBROOTTRIMMOMATIC/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:36"

  echo $cmd
  # execute the command

2. Alignment

module load Bowtie2
# check the parameters for bowtie2
bowtie2 --help  2>&1 | less
 bowtie2 [options]* -x  {-1  -2  | -U  | --interleaved  | -b } [-S ]
# sample_1
bowtie2 -x chr6_ref.fa -1 fastq/QC/sample_1_F.fq.gz -2 fastq/QC/sample_1_R.fq.gz --rg-id sample_1 --very-sensitive-local -p 10 -S sample_1.sam

3. Processing steps

1. Sam to bam, samtools
samtools view -Sb sample_1.sam >sample_1.bam

2. sort bam, samtools
samtools sort sample_1.bam -o sample_1_sorted.bam

3. Add RG name if necessary, Picard
java -jar $picard_dir/AddOrReplaceReadGroups.jar I=sample_1_sorted.bam O=sample_1_sorted_addRG.bam PL=illumina PU=barcode SM=sample_1 LB=SeqCap ID=sample_1 VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT

4. Mark duplciate, Picard
java -Xmx15G -Djava.io.tmpdir=./  -jar $picard_dir/MarkDuplicates.jar I=$bam O=$out M=$merics_file REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true AS=true

5. local realignment, GATK>
 java -Xmx15G -jar $GATK_jar  -I $_ -R $ref_fasta -T RealignerTargetCreator -o $interval
 java -Xmx15G -jar $GATK_jar -I $_ -R $ref_fasta -T IndelRealigner -targetIntervals $interval -o $realn_bam

6. Mapping Quality filtering, samtools
samtools view -h -q $maq $input

4. Calling variations with GATK

# unifiedgenotyper
java -Xmx30G  -jar $GATK_jar -T UnifiedGenotyper -R $ref_fasta -I sample_1_sorted_addRg_realign_MQ20.bam --genotype_likelihoods_model BOTH  -o Variations/raw -rf BadMate -rf DuplicateRead -U ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS

# haplotypecaller
java -Xmx30G  -jar $GATK_jar -T HaplotypeCaller -R $ref_fasta -I sample_1_sorted_addRg_realign_MQ20.bam --genotype_likelihoods_model BOTH  -o Variations/raw -rf BadMate -rf DuplicateRead -U ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS

Automate the whole process

Generate bsub files for all the steps

  1. Generate a text file that list all the samples
# first we will need to generate a text file that list all the samples
dir `pwd`/fastq/*gz | perl -ne 'chomp; $sam=$1 if /fastq\/(sample_\d+)/; print $sam, "\t", $_, "\n"' >fastq.list.txt

more fastq.list
  1. use the script pl_scripts/generate_bsub.pl
  perl ~/pl_scripts/generate_bsub.pl
    -fq_list fastq_list.txt  # list of fastq files, first column is the accession name, second column is the full path to the fastq file (fastq or gzfastq);
    -numJobs  10             # how many jobs to be submitted to the HPC
    -jobName  myJob          # The name of job
    -aln_pl   /home/wangsc/pl_scripts/align.pl
    -call_pl  /home/wangsc/pl_scripts/unifiedgenotyper.pl
    -ref      /home/wangsc/scratch_fast/ref_data/Dgenome/Dgenome.fa
    -refindex /home/wangsc/scratch_fast/ref_data/Dgenome/Dgenome_bt2_index

Once the bsub scripts are generated, run "ls *.bsub |perl submit_sequential_jobs.pl" to submit all the jobs.

perl ~/pl_scripts/generate_bsub.pl -fq_list fastq.list.txt  -numJobs 10 -jobName HTG -call_pl ~/pl_scripts/unifiedgenotyper.pl -ref ./chr6_ref.fa -refindex /chr6_ref.fa 

ls *.bsub

0.qc.bsub 1.aln.bsub 2.proc.bsub 3.call.bsub

  1. submit the jobs
bsub <0.qc.bsub