
Rails 5.1 app using new Elm integration

Primary LanguageRuby

Welcome to Vinyl

Vinyl is a web application for managing simple record metadata for a record collection.
It is also a proof of concept of using the new Rails 5.1.3 integration with Elm 0.18. Most of the application crud functions were generated using rails scaffold. The RecordController new functionality was then replaced with a Elm frontend application form that communicates with a Rails API backend controller.

Main points of interest

  • app/javascript/packs/Mail.elm - Client-side Elm app for created a new record.
  • app/api/v1/records_controller.rb - Rest API controller for creating a new record. Used by the Elm app.
  • app/services/add_record_service.rb - Business logic related to creating a new record and album. If I had time, this was also where I was going to trigger a job to lookup record metadata from Spotify's API in the background: https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/endpoint-reference/.
  • app/views/layouts/elm_layout.html.erb - Layout that loads the Elm app.
  • spec/active_record_helper.rb - Spec helper that loads only ActiveRecord related classes. Allows testing of significantly more classes without loading all of rails, which allows for very quick execution of these specs when running them individually.
  • spec/requests/records_requests_spec.rb - Integration testing of Rest API RecordController. With this, controller specs for API controllers are redundant, IMO.

To run the application locally in development mode

  1. Unpackage the zip to a location of your choosing. Navigate into the vinyl folder.
  2. Make sure Ruby 2.4.1 is installed and accessible from the projects root.
  3. Install Postgres 9.6.0 or up. Homebrew is usually the easiest way to do this. You can get Homebrew at https://brew.sh.
  4. Run 'yarn -v' to see if you have yarn install.
  5. Install yarn if you do not. You can run "brew install yarn" or view the installation instructions at https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install.
  6. Run 'gem install bundler'.
  7. Run 'bundle install'.
  8. Run 'brew services start postgresql' to start the Postgres database.
  9. Run 'rake db:setup'
  10. Run 'rails s' to start the Puma.
  11. Run 'yarn' to trigger the compilation of the Elm modules.
  12. Run 'bin/webpack-dev-server' to start the Webpack server to run Elm.
  13. In a browser, navigate to http://localhost:3000. You should see the index page for records.

To run the specs

  1. Make sure steps 1 - 6 above are complete.
  2. Run 'rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test'. Just in case it needs to be done for the test database yet.
  3. Run 'rspec'.