
🏭 (Beta) 轻量级无代码/低代码 H5、表单编辑器。Lightweight no-code/low-code editor for website、H5 page and Form. Build your page without code!

Primary LanguageVue

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Lightweight no-code editor for websiteH5 page and Form. Build your application without code!




Getting Start

Recommend: Fork example project to getting start. or manually import:

  1. Install dependency:
yarn add @tefact/editor
  1. Import styles to your css or less file:
import "@tefact/editor/lib/index.css"
  1. Add @tefact package to your webpack transport.

webpack.config.js or nuxt.config.js

    "build": {
        "transpile": [
  1. Import Editor to you.
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import Editor, { getDefaultFeature } from "@tefact/editor";

export default Vue.extends({
  data() {
    return {
      target: getDefaultFeature("page"),
      editorSetting: {}
  components: {

Core Concept


Target is an object that we edit for. It can be a H5 Page / Form Page or website Page. It's a JSON data structure for descript how a Page for Form looks like.

You can use getDefaultFeature in @tefact/editor to generate default target data. And save it to somewhere, it can be used directly to @tefact/feature-form or @tefact/feature-page


@tefact/editor is a Edit view for feature page or form.


  • value: the edit target
  • editorSetting: Setting of editor


  • addTarget: Add target within the editor
  • editTarget: after editor target basic information
  • share: toggle target share
  • save: When save target
  • back: When editor within the editor back toggle


@tefact/feature-page is a view component for those target has a featureType = page. To preview a page, you can do:

  <Page :value="target"></Page>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import Page, { DFFAULT } from "@tefact/feature-page";

export default Vue.extends({
  data() {
    return {
      target: DFFAULT
  components: {


Same like page, @tefact/feature-form is use for preview or display those target has a featureType = form, you can do:

  <Form :value="target"></Form>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import Form, { DFFAULT } from "@tefact/feature-page";

export default Vue.extends({
  data() {
    return {
      target: DFFAULT
  components: {


PRs & Issues are all welcome, feel free to ask question or submit your code.


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