
Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

cctv CircleCI

Table of contents

General Info

  • cctv stands for Credit Card Transactions Vanta

  • cctv is a RESTful Web service

  • The service enables us to Register Customer Accounts

  • And issue credit cards to those customers


* Java : 8
* Spring Boot: 2.2.2.RELEASE
* Gradle : 6.0.1
* Kotlin : 1.3.50
* Target-JVM : 1.8

Setup -> Test -> Run

$ git clone https://github.com/swapab/cctv.git
$ cd cctv
$ ./gradlew clean build
$ java -jar build/libs/cctv-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Approach and Design choices

  • Domain Centric Design: Inspired by Uncle Bob Martin's Clean Architecture.

  • What is Clean Architecture?

    • Just another design architecture to better manage layers and embrace SOLID principles.
  • Domains defined:

    1. User : This domain deals with register-user, add-money, get-user
    2. CreditCard : Validate and Issue credit-cards to users
    3. Transaction : Perform transactions per credit-card
  • The datastore have been designed to mimic a relational datastore with indexing. The indexes are the primary keys. Example userId in User domain

  • Why Spring Boot?

    • Quick and easy to bootstrap new Java applications. Easy to test.
  • Why Kotlin for testing?

    • To expedite writing tests since Kotlin is concise and allows functional approach of writing code,
    • Java requires a little more of boilerplate code for testing compared to Kotlin
    • And I have been writing Kotlin for over a year now so I am efficient and fast
  • The API naming is resourceful per domain.


  • The first challenge was to design data-store(s) to enable simple and efficient data storage and retrieval. This could have been made possible with various collections(namely: Map, Set, List etc). I chose HashMap, Set and Array.

  • The choice has been made purely on the basis of: a. KISS - keep is short and simple(simple and stupid) b. Facilitate easy write and read of data

  • Try to keep objects/data immutable. Avoid in place update.

    • immutable objects are easy to construct and test
    • they are free of any side effects
    • and are thread safe
  • 2nd challenge Atomic and Concurrent Transactions.

    • Choice of collection for User data-store. I initially kept it as HashMap but later replaced the HashMap with ConcurrentHashMap reason, HashMap is non-synchronized and not thread-safe leading to ConcurrentModificationException. Whereas ConcurrentHashMap is synchronized on writes.

    • ConcurrentHashMap could lead to stale balance reads because concurrent reads are non-blocking.

    • The counter in TransactionStoreProvider was also a Critical Section since there can't be more than 100 transactions in the store. How to make Transaction happy then? AtomicInteger to the rescue. Java 8 AtomicInteger is implemented using Fetch-and-add as opposed to Compare-and-swap

What could be improved?


  1. Change GET Transactions API to per user instead of all transactions
  2. Deploy to GCP