
Python code to pull live currency data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Currency Converter

Python code to pull live currency data


  1. Create a space for user input ( in our case USD is the base currency that needs to be converted into other currencies)
  2. Use API to fetch data and parse it.
  3. Present the data on the UI screen.

Below is the process that I followed

  1. Using Python 3.9 (Latest version) -download here
  2. Use tkinter library for UI (pip install tkinter )
  3. Use request library to pull data via API
  4. Create buttons like “Convert” to fetch data and Clear to erase the content

#Final Output When the program starts

When user inputs numeric value and convert button is hit

#Code Snippet 
#Laying out the labels on the tkinter grid.
  # Create a Label widget with "USD" as label
    l0 =Label(window,text="USD")
    l0.grid(row=0,column=0) # The Label is placed in 
    position 0, 0 in the window

   l1 = Label(window,text="INR")
   l1.grid(row=1,column=0) # The Label is placed in position 
   1, 0 in the window
   l2 = Label(window,text="GBP")
   1, 1 in the window


  e2 = Entry(window,textvariable=e2_value)  # Create an Entry box for users to enter  value

  # Create a button widget
  # The from_currency() function is called when the button 
   is pushed
  b1 = Button(window,text="Convert",command=from_currency)

  # The delete function is called when the button is pushed
   b2 = Button(window,text="Clear",command=delete)

   # Create four empty text boxes, t1, t2, t3 and t4 for 
   values to show up
  t1 = Text(window,height=1,width=20)

Fetch Data via URL 
  # Where USD is the base currency you want to use
  url = 'https://v6.exchangerate-api.com/v6/KEY/latest/USD/'

  # Making our request
  response = requests.get(url)
  data = response.json()

 # Your JSON object


def from_currency():
# Get user value from input box and multiply by today's  conversion rate to 	get INR and round it to 2 decimals
	rupees = round(float(e2_value.get()) * 

# Get user value from input box and multiply by today's conversion rate to get GBP
	pound = round(float(e2_value.get())*data['conversion_rates']['GBP'],2)

# Empty the Text boxes if they had text from the previous use and fill them again
	t1.delete("1.0", END)  # Deletes the content of the Text 
    box from start to END


def delete():
   # Deletes content from t1 Text box
  t1.delete("1.0", END)

  # Deletes content from t2 Text box
  t2.delete("1.0", END)

Updated code to include Bitcoin When the program starts

For collaboration or suggestion, reach me on my LinkedIn Twitter