We tried to mimic real world Covid-19 module. And designe according to that.
Government of India is taking all necessary steps to ensure that the nation is prepared to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing contagion of COVID-19. This application will facilitate the citizen with an option to register and schedule the vaccination session online in Centers of their choice. The Citizen self-registration module will ensure fool-proof identification of deserving candidates for receiving the vaccines. The objective is to handhold the citizens to register and schedule an appointment for vaccination
This application aims to make the process of getting vaccinated against COVID-19 more accessible and convenient for citizens. Through the online registration and scheduling feature, individuals can choose their preferred vaccination centers and schedule their appointments with ease. The self-registration module ensures accurate identification of eligible candidates for vaccination, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. The application's goal is to assist citizens in navigating the vaccination process, from registration to scheduling, and ultimately, receiving their much-needed vaccines.
### Built With
Tech Stack :
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
- Spring Tool Suite 4
- Maven Dependencies
- Lombok
First clone the project and let STS4 build its dependecies. Maven --> Update Project -->Run as SpringBoot
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/swapnil0076/swift-book-7091.git
This Application Consist 7 Modules
- Vaccine Registration Module
- Booking Appointment Module.
- Vaccination Center Module.
- Vaccine Module.
- Vaccine Inventory Module.
- Search Module.
## Roadmap ##
- [✅] Made ER Diagram
- [✅] Added POJO classes
- [✅] Made mappings
- [✅] Designed Database using MYSQL
- [✅] Added Additional Exceptions and Dependencies.
- [✅] Added "signUp" logics with Controlller.
- [✅] Added "Login" logics with Controlller.
- [✅] Added "ID" logics with Controlller.
- [✅] Tested Using Postman
- [✅] Tested Using Swagger
## Contributors ##
- Swapnil Dhiman
- Deepanshu Deep
- Lokesh Gola
We are always looking for ways to improve our Application, and I would like to request your feedback on our project. Your opinions matter for us and your feedback is used to improve how we work and ensure we deliver a consistently high-quality service.
Thank You.