Pinned Repositories
Zero to Hero in C++
Drought Prediction using Machine Learning - Developed a web based system to present the drought prone regions in USA. Aim is to reduce the loss of farmers due to inaccurate estimation of rainfall. Prediction of Statewise Drought index calculated using Palmer Index using a Artificial Neural network. Used Keras framework to implement a forward feeded network. Feb 2019 - April 2019.
Detect Fake News
A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.
HackWithInfy-SmartRefrigerator A program made using DeepAI and python for smart refrigerator for HackWithInfy Hackathon Made By - Divyansh Verma Swapnil More Vasu Singhal Amrit Shrivastava Iman Kalyan
Classify the stethoscope lungs sounds into wheezes and crackles
Our website is based on woman empowerment which focuses on making woman financially independent by learning things which she has interest in and then earning money based on the skills she has learnt from our website. Order is also an option where you can order authentic and homemade things. This is initiative will be helpful to the household women who are willing to earn and learn new skills of their interest. We have provided options to learn , earn and order once a user goes to the website and then when she chooses to learn a specific course and completes the course ,she has an option to get certified from our site and start earning from the skills she has learnt from the website.
Osteoporosis means "porous bone." If a healthy bone is looked under a microscope, it will look like a honeycomb. In case of osteoporosis, the holes and spaces in the honey comb are much larger . This means bone has lost is density. As bones become less dense they tend to break easily, the bones of the spine are at great risk. The objectives of this project is to develop an ultrasound device to estimate bone mineral density (BMD). The device is entirely self-contained, portable, and handheld, and permits real- time evaluation of the BMD by computing a parameter known as net time delay (NTD). The NTD is defined as the difference between the transit time through the heel of an ultrasound signal and the transit time through a hypothetical object of equal thickness (to the heel) but containing soft tissue only. This parameter is sensitive primarily to the total amount (i.e., the average total thickness) of bone contained in the propagation path, and thus is equivalent to the bone mineral content estimated by dual-energy x- ray absorptiometry (DXA) scanners, and to the (areal) BMD when normalized by transducer area. Computer simulations of ultrasound propagation were used to study the relationship between NTD and BMD. The NTD and BMD were found to be very highly correlated (r = 0.99), demonstrating the high sensitivity of NTD to bone mass. The research described here, in conjunction with the fact that the devices are designed to be manufactured at very low cost, should enable the significant expansion of diagnosis and monitoring of osteoporosis.
swapnilmore1298's Repositories
Osteoporosis means "porous bone." If a healthy bone is looked under a microscope, it will look like a honeycomb. In case of osteoporosis, the holes and spaces in the honey comb are much larger . This means bone has lost is density. As bones become less dense they tend to break easily, the bones of the spine are at great risk. The objectives of this project is to develop an ultrasound device to estimate bone mineral density (BMD). The device is entirely self-contained, portable, and handheld, and permits real- time evaluation of the BMD by computing a parameter known as net time delay (NTD). The NTD is defined as the difference between the transit time through the heel of an ultrasound signal and the transit time through a hypothetical object of equal thickness (to the heel) but containing soft tissue only. This parameter is sensitive primarily to the total amount (i.e., the average total thickness) of bone contained in the propagation path, and thus is equivalent to the bone mineral content estimated by dual-energy x- ray absorptiometry (DXA) scanners, and to the (areal) BMD when normalized by transducer area. Computer simulations of ultrasound propagation were used to study the relationship between NTD and BMD. The NTD and BMD were found to be very highly correlated (r = 0.99), demonstrating the high sensitivity of NTD to bone mass. The research described here, in conjunction with the fact that the devices are designed to be manufactured at very low cost, should enable the significant expansion of diagnosis and monitoring of osteoporosis.
Drought Prediction using Machine Learning - Developed a web based system to present the drought prone regions in USA. Aim is to reduce the loss of farmers due to inaccurate estimation of rainfall. Prediction of Statewise Drought index calculated using Palmer Index using a Artificial Neural network. Used Keras framework to implement a forward feeded network. Feb 2019 - April 2019.
HackWithInfy-SmartRefrigerator A program made using DeepAI and python for smart refrigerator for HackWithInfy Hackathon Made By - Divyansh Verma Swapnil More Vasu Singhal Amrit Shrivastava Iman Kalyan
Our website is based on woman empowerment which focuses on making woman financially independent by learning things which she has interest in and then earning money based on the skills she has learnt from our website. Order is also an option where you can order authentic and homemade things. This is initiative will be helpful to the household women who are willing to earn and learn new skills of their interest. We have provided options to learn , earn and order once a user goes to the website and then when she chooses to learn a specific course and completes the course ,she has an option to get certified from our site and start earning from the skills she has learnt from the website.
Detect Fake News
A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.
Classify the stethoscope lungs sounds into wheezes and crackles
Zero to Hero in C++
Content mgmt system
Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
This is a backup edition of @TechBookHunter's curated collection of free Web development related eBooks available on the Internet. The original repository no longer exists.
This repo is just for testing gitbash