Pinned issues
- 2
Title: Add Search Bar Functionality
#1926 opened by isid555 - 2
Roman Calculator is merged but not available in the Live Page
#1925 opened by isid555 - 0
Title: Add Project Search Box
#1924 opened by umarsayed12 - 0
- 0
Monkey Memory Game
#1917 opened by pravin435916 - 1
Title: Add a PlayGround on JavaScript runtime
#1916 opened by subhankarrout251 - 0
#1914 opened by ankit071105 - 1
Title: Analog Watch
#1880 opened by vedang1 - 0
Title: Let's add a custom cursor
#1879 opened by mehrun171 - 2
Title: Improve UI and Add Restart Option
#1881 opened by AshishPandey04 - 1
Add footer
#1876 opened by lovelymahor - 0
ADD Navbar
#1877 opened by lovelymahor - 2
Title: Let's add a CUSTOM SCROLLBAR
#1878 opened by mehrun171 - 1
Title: Add Multiplication Tables Generator
#1873 opened by saketh-05 - 2
[Bug Title here] : UI/UX Improvement
#1874 opened by theeayushkumar - 1
Title: String anagram checker app.
#1875 opened by meetarora10 - 0
Title: Store completed tasks to local storage and add to DOM in To Do app
#1869 opened by shukria-sultani - 0
Title: Add Colour Matching Game
#1870 opened by bhumii-ka - 2
Title: Improve the UI of Website
#1871 opened by Vin205 - 0
Title: Game 80(Sudoku)
#1866 opened by VijaySamant4368 - 1
Title: Add Number Base Conversion Calculator
#1867 opened by tanishaprasad - 0
[Bug Title]: Misalignment at the bottom of the website
#1868 opened by eiva078 - 1
card size
#1911 opened by Ishmeetkaur36 - 1
Title: Add E-commerce project!
#1912 opened by SCR01 - 2
Title: Adding smooth transitioning effect while changing the theme from dark to light
#1913 opened by nameishyam - 2
- 0
Title: Ball Dodger Game
#1908 opened by AshishPandey04 - 2
- 2
- 1
Title: Adding a footer
#1903 opened by Ayesha-Siddiqua88 - 2
Title: Add a Crossword puzzle Game
#1905 opened by manno198 - 1
Title: Add Dark and Light mode theme option.
#1907 opened by kou95shik - 0
Title: Add random advice generator app.
#1901 opened by meetarora10 - 0
- 1
UI of website
#1899 opened by riyasaxena32 - 0
Add Computer Bingo
#1894 opened by ananyag309 - 2
Add Zodiac sign calculator
#1895 opened by nadarmega - 0
[Bug] : Currency Converter
#1896 opened by eiva078 - 1
Title: Simons Says Game
#1898 opened by Shubh6665 - 0
Title: Make Minesweeper Responsive
#1891 opened by m3kvt - 1
Title: Add About us page and testimonial section
#1892 opened by CoderGirl2844 - 0
Add Hand Cricket
#1893 opened by ananyag309 - 1
want to add a password cracker
#1885 opened by pallasivasai - 2
Title: No Hover Effect on Light/Dark Mode Switch
#1884 opened by Rupalpy - 1
Title: [Project Addition] video-trailer-popup
#1889 opened by bristiHalder - 0
Title: want to add a project using react
#1890 opened by P-lavanya16 - 1
- 2
Title: Adding Pig Dice Game
#1904 opened by TBorundia - 0
Title: Tic Tac Toe Game's UI improvement
#1872 opened by Nikhiljangra04 - 3
Title: Dino Game
#1864 opened by mohitmuktikant