
Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


Core is a replicated state machine that maintains a local copy of a cryptographic ledger and processes transactions against it, in consensus with a set of peers (forked from stellar-core). It implements the Stellar Consensus Protocol, a federated consensus protocol. It is written in C++11 and runs on Linux, OSX and Windows. Learn more by reading the overview document.


Documentation of the code's layout and abstractions, as well as for the functionality available, can be found in ./docs.


On newer distributions with OpenSSL 1.1:

git submodule update --init
cmake CMakeLists.txt -DPostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIRS=/usr/include/postgresql/ -DPostgreSQL_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/libpq.so -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/lib/openssl-1.0 -DOPENSSL_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/openssl-1.0 -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/openssl-1.0
make -j8

Expect warning:

warning: libcrypto.so.1.1, needed by /usr/lib/libpq.so, may conflict with libcrypto.so.1.0.0

Make sure You typed correct paths to the libs. Consider replacing -j8 according to the number outputed by:

# nproc

On older distributions with OpenSSL 1.0:

git submodule update --init
cmake CMakeLists.txt -DPostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIRS=/usr/include/postgresql/ -DPostgreSQL_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/libpq.so
make -j8


See Installation Note: to build core you will need to replace submodule https://gitlab.com/swarmfund/xdr with https://github.com/swarmfund/swarm-xdr.


See Contributing

Reporting issues

Software has bugs, or maybe you have an idea for a change in core.


  1. do a search of issues in case there is one already tracking the one you ran into.
  2. search open issues (not addressed yet) using the filter is:open (default). If you have new information, include it into the issue.
  3. search closed issues by removing the is:open filter. Two possibilities here:
    • the issue was resolved in a newer version - then you just need to install the version with the fix
    • the issue was closed for some reason. You may decide to reopen it depending on context. Make sure to explain why the issue should be re-opened.

For bugs being opened/re-opened, simply paste and fill the Bug-Template.md into the issue.

Running tests

run tests with: src/stellar-core --test (for now only [tx] tests are availalbe)

run one test with: src/stellar-core --test testName

run one test category with: src/stellar-core --test '[categoryName]'

Categories (or tags) can be combined: AND-ed (by juxtaposition) or OR-ed (by comma-listing).

Tests tagged as [.] or [hide] are not part of the default test test.

supported test options can be seen with src/stellar-core --test --help

display tests timing information: src/stellar-core --test -d yes '[categoryName]'

xml test output (includes nested section information): src/stellar-core --test -r xml '[categoryName]'

Swarm vs stellar-core

The core of swarmfund is based on the open-source project stellar-core. Swarm uses SCP as consensus protocol, concept of ledger and have the data flow process as stellar-core. However there are several important improvements.

Account and signer types

Basically, accounts in stellar-core all have equal possibilities for performing any kind of operation. Swarmfund's core introduces account types (e.g. master account, general account etc). Any operation falls restrictions about account types which could perform it. As an example, this change makes it possible to create very easily certain system operations which should not be performed by ordinary accounts. Swarm going farther and introduces signer types. Both together this feature contributes to flexibility of how operations are performed.


One of the most noticeable change is the process of issuance of new assets. In order to issue some amount of a new asset in stellar-core, the receiver must hold a trust line in corresponding asset. The amount can be transferred to receiver via payment operation. Swarmfund uses more sophisticated approach and divides this process into
processing of pre-issuance and issuance requests. Durring asset creation (which is two step process for syndicates), syndicate is able to provide information like max issuance amount and pre-issuance signer, which restrics total amount of that asset availalbe in the system. After asset request is approved, syndicate is able to send pre-issuance request (which includes signature of pre-issuance signer). As soon as this request is approve by the admin of the system (signer of master account), syndicate is able to send issuance request which must include unique reference of such request (if pre-issued amount is not sufficient, pending issuance request will be created which can be approved by the syndicate, when sufficient pre-issued amount is availalbe or reject it). Such an approach is much more safe and reliable and makes integrations with Swarmfund much easier.

Flexible fee

Stellar-core have only a constant fee per transaction. In swarmfund it was implemented a reach system of fee charging which gives and opportunity to set different fees for different operations (by introducing fee type), set fees for each account type or even for certain account. Also it is possible to charge a percent fee from an amount.

New operations

Swarm contains a big list of operations comparing to stellar-core which is enough to fulfill needs encountered by tokens management systems.