
Connect a Twitter account through OAuth and a Widget, deploy, and let anyone on the internet tweet from it anonymously. Super fun at parties.

Primary LanguagePHP


Your friendly neighborhood anonymous tweet web app.

/*** API Depracated, this app no longer works and needs to be updated ***/

Simply connect a Twitter account through OAuth in config.php. Then create a "Feed Widget" from you account, and import the data-widget-id into pullme.php, deploy, and let anyone on the internet tweet from it anonymously. Super fun at parties. Give it a spin at http://swarmnyc.com/experiments/swarm-secret-anonymous-twitter/

For our other experiments head to http://swarmnyc.com/expriments


1. Set up config.php

2. Set up pullme.php

Deploy & tweet anonymously.

ALSO: You can set up kickback.php to auto include content in these anon-tweets but we'd love it if you kept the twitter mention.



This was put together for funsies, there are bugs, namely mobile CSS issues I didn't feel like fixing, if anyone would like to take care of those it'd be butter.

Also, the code isn't spectacular, but hey. It works.