
The server to emulate old warm AM radio sound on Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageC

⚠️ I was walking down the street when a rocket landed next to me. Some time ago it was simply unbelievable, now the destruction of my city and the killing of civilians is my reality. The organized criminal group has occupied Russia and now is destroying my peaceful city.

Kharkiv downtown street destroyed by Russian bombardment

Bomb attack on Saltivske tram depot in Kharkiv

Kharkiv after Russian shelling, 31 March 2022 (14)

Destroyed apartment building 3 Kholodnohirska Street, Kharkiv after Russian airstrike by Kharkivian (03.2022) 01

If you are a responsible citizen of Russia, you are personally guilty of this. Stop it. If you are an irresponsible resident of Russia, just ignore this message.


The server to emulate old warm AM radio sound on Raspberry Pi

The video how it works



Install dependencies

sudo apt install git icecast2 ffmpeg vorbis-tools ezstream pv

When Icecast asks to configure it say no, because we will use the config we have in the project.

Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/hirve/old-radio-sound/

Build the sound processing tool

cd old-radio-sound/generate-am-radio/bin/

Start Icecast

cd ../../icecast/

It will start on localhost:8092 so make sure this port is free or change it in the config file. If you want your server to be available via internet - don't forget to change passwords in icecast/icecast-config.xml and generate-am-radio/bin/play-to-stream-vorbis.xml from "hackme" to something stronger.

Go to generate-am-radio folder

cd ../generate-am-radio/

and edit the script stream-template-1206am


DIR=`cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd`

$DIR/bin/stream-radio \

Put here your favorite audio streams and change the other parameters if you want:

  • 1206 means the radio frequency, it will name the icecast stream like .../1206am, and also will initialize the random generator to make "air conditions" repeatable,

  • 1 is the level of main audio stream in microvolts, the value may be in the range 1...10 or other if you like.

If all is ok after starting this script you can hear the old warm radio on localhost:8092/1206am

You can copy this script with different audio streams and different frequencies and run them simultaneously, for me it worked well with about 5 streams on Raspberry Pi 2.