
Aliens On Earth!

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Aliens On Earth

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This is a task / problem given by Multunus Software.

A treaty of friendship has been signed between Aliens and Humans. The aliens are now welcome on Earth and can stay as long as they wish with the Humans. You are the person responsible to register the aliens.

A console based application that accepts alien details like Code Name, Blood Color, No.of Antennas, No. of Legs and Home Planet and then export these details into one of the 2 formats, depending on user's choice - "plain text" or "PDF".

How to run

Clone the repository

$ git clone git@github.com:swaroopsm/aliens-on-earth.git

Install gems

$ bundle

Run the application and answer the questions prompted that will be prompted

$ ./bin/app

Adding a new export formatter / renderer

In order to add a new export format do the following:

  • Create a file called <format>_renderer.rb in lib/aliens_on_earth/renderers/
  • Setup the DIRNAME and EXTENSION respectively
  • Create a template in views/templates/renderers/<DIRNAME>/alien.erb. Here @data is availabe with all the data stuffs
  • Run bin/app and this would automatically show up the newly created export formatter.

Running tests

$ bundle exec rspec

Directory Structure

  - app # the main app binary
  - i18n.yml # i18n messages for validation etc.
lib # core library files
  - aliens_on_earth
  - aliens_on_earth.rb
spec # all tests
  - partials # view partials
  - renderers # templates for renderer engines