
Yet another RabbitMQ based opinionated RPC

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Long story short

If you control your app lifecycle, better use amqplib. And don't use queue message broker for pubslish/subscribe.

Yet another opinionated RPC library based on RabbitMQ (through rabbot)


  • Promise-based interface (thanks rabbot)
  • Convention over configuration in exchange, queue, routingKeys naming

Implemented producer/consumer patterns:

  • Request / Response
  • Publish / Subscribe
  • Send / Receive


npm install --save rabrpc
# or
yarn add rabrpc



Important! rpc.configure should be called after binding handlers via rpc.respond in consumer microservice and must be called before requesting data with rpc.request in provider microservice

rpc.configure(config, [transformConfig = true])
  • config - rabrpc or rabbot config object
  • transformConfig - if config is a rabbot setting transformConfig must be false, default true
rabbot json configuration

If you need more flexibility, you can pass a valid rabbot configuration into rpc.configure The only requirement is name exchanges, queues and bindings with convention

const config = {
  connection: {
    user: 'guest',
    pass: 'guest',
    server: '',
    // server: ",",
    // server: ["", ""],
    port: 5672,
    timeout: 2000,
    vhost: '%2fmyhost'
  exchanges: [
    { name: 'config-ex.1', type: 'fanout', publishTimeout: 1000 },
      name: 'config-ex.2',
      type: 'topic',
      alternate: 'alternate-ex.2',
      persistent: true
    { name: 'dead-letter-ex.2', type: 'fanout' }
  queues: [
    { name: 'config-q.1', limit: 100, queueLimit: 1000 },
    { name: 'config-q.2', subscribe: true, deadLetter: 'dead-letter-ex.2' }
  bindings: [
    { exchange: 'config-ex.1', target: 'config-q.1', keys: ['bob', 'fred'] },
    { exchange: 'config-ex.2', target: 'config-q.2', keys: 'test1' }

rpc.configure(config, false) // transform config = false

Request / Response

Responder initialization

const rpc = require('rabrpc') // singleton

const config = {
  // uri
  connection: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/?heartbeat=10',
  // or object passed to rabbot see https://github.com/arobson/rabbot#configuration-via-json
  // connection: {user: 'guest', pass: 'guest', server: 'localhost', ...}

  // respond configuration in consumer microservice
  // this config will create exchange(s), queue(s) and binding(s)
  // request configation in provider microservice only create exchange(s)

  res: {
    // string or object or array of strings or objects
    serviceName: 'foo-service-name',
    // rabbot queue options, see https://github.com/arobson/rabbot#addqueue-queuename-options-connectionname-
    // subscribe: true is default
    messageTtl: 30000,
    limit: 10
    // ...etc

// somewhere in your microservice initialization cycle
rpc.configure(config) // returns promise

Requester initialization

const rpc = require('rabrpc') // singleton

const config = {
  connection: '<URI string>', // see above

  // requesting resource configuration
  // this config will create only exchange(s)
  // respond configuration in consumer microservice will create queue(s) and binding(s)

  // req: 'foo-service-name' | ['foo-service-name', 'bar-service-name'] | {serviceName: 'foo-service-name'} | [{serviceName: 'foo-service-name'}, {serviceName: 'bar-service-name'}]
  req: 'foo-service-name'

// somewhere in your microservice initialization cycle
rpc.configure(config) // returns promise


Parmeter Value Example
exchange req-res.serviceName req-res.foo-service-name
queue req-res.serviceName req-res.foo-service-name
routingKey serviceName foo-service-name
messageType version.serviceName.action v1.foo-service-name.someAction


rpc.respond(messageType, handler, [raw = false])
  • messageType - full path for service action, e.g. 'v1.images.resize' or 'v1.users.role.findAll' where second part (images, users) is a serviceName specified in config (in rabbot using as type of message)
  • handler - function, which takes payload or message, responseActions and messageType
    • payload or message - message if raw is true otherwise message.body
    • responseActions - object with 3 functions success, fail, error
    • messageType - type of rabbot message (usefull when listening for types, which contain * or #)
  • raw - if true then first argument for handler will be rabbot message instead message.body by default
const rpc = require('rabrpc')

// before initialization
rpc.respond('v1.foo-service-name.someAction', (payload, actions, messageType) =>
  actions.success(payload * 2)

// handler can aslo just return promise, or `.then`able or value and result will be replied with success status
// exception or rejected promise will cause replying error (be sure throw `Error` with message)

rpc.respond('v1.foo-service-name.anotherAction', payload =>
    /* ... */
  }).then(rows => ({ count: rows.count, data: rows }))
rpc.respond('v1.foo-service-name.thirdAction', payload => payload * 2)

  (payload, actions, messageType) => {
    const [version, serviceName, resource, actionName] = messageType.split('.')
    switch (actionName) {
      case 'find':
        return Resource.findAll(paylaod)
      case 'create':
        return Resource.create(payload)
      case 'destroy':
        return Resource.destroy(payload)
        throw new Error(`Action '${actionName}' is not supported!`)

// in your service initialization cycle
rpc.request(messageType, payload, [options], [raw = false])
  • messageType - see rpc.respond messageType argument
  • payload - payload data, which will passed into respond handler (see supported payload)
  • options - rabbot request options (will be merged with defaults: {replyTimeout: 10000})
  • raw - resolve rabbot reply message instead of message.body

returns Promise, which resolved with body (or message if raw is true)

  • body or message
const rpc = require('rabrpc')

// request allowed only after initialization
  .then(() => rpc.request('v1.foo-service-name.someAction', 42))
  .then(body => {
    console.log('response:', body.data) // body = {status: 'succes', data: 84}

Publish / Subscribe

Subscriber initialization

const rpc = require('rabrpc') // singleton

const config = {
  connection: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/?heartbeat=10',
  sub: {
    // string or object or array of strings or objects
    serviceName: 'foo-service-name',
    limit: 10
    // ...etc

// somewhere in your microservice initialization cycle
rpc.configure(config) // returns promise

Publisher initialization

const rpc = require('rabrpc') // singleton

const config = {
  connection: '<URI string>', // see above
  // pub: 'foo-service-name' | ['foo-service-name', 'bar-service-name'] | {serviceName: 'foo-service-name'} | [{serviceName: 'foo-service-name'}, {serviceName: 'bar-service-name'}]
  pub: 'foo-service-name'

// somewhere in your microservice initialization cycle
rpc.configure(config) // returns promise


Parmeter Value Example
exchange pub-sub.serviceName pub-sub.foo-service-name
queue pub-sub.serviceName.uuid4 pub-sub.foo-service-name.110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c866d813b8d1
routingKey serviceName foo-service-name
messageType version.serviceName.action v1.foo-service-name.someAction
rpc.subscribe(messageType, handler, [raw = false])
  • messageType - full path for service action, e.g. 'v1.images.archive' or 'v1.statistics.synchronize' where second part (images, statistics) is a serviceName specified in config (in rabbot using as type of message)
  • handler - function, which takes payload or message, actions and messageType
    • payload or message - message if raw is true otherwise message.body
    • messageType - type of rabbot message (usefull when listening for types, which contain * or #)
  • raw - if true then first argument for handler will be rabbot message instead message.body by default
const rpc = require('rabrpc')

// before initialization
  (payload, actions, messageType) => {}

// always auto ack

// in your service initialization cycle
rpc.publish(messageType, payload, [options])
  • messageType - see rpc.respond messageType argument
  • payload - payload data, which will passed into respond handler (see supported payload)
  • options - rabbot publish options (will be merged with defaults: {replyTimeout: 10000})

returns rabbot publish Promise (see Rabbot Publish)

const rpc = require('rabrpc')

// publish allowed only after initialization
  .then(() => rpc.publish('v1.foo-service-name.someAction', 42))
  .then(() => {
    console.log('Message published')

Send / Receive

Receiver initialization

const rpc = require('rabrpc') // singleton

const config = {
  connection: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/?heartbeat=10',
  recv: {
    // string or object or array of strings or objects
    serviceName: 'foo-service-name',
    messageTtl: 30000,
    limit: 10
    // ...etc

// somewhere in your microservice initialization cycle
rpc.configure(config) // returns promise

Sender initialization

const rpc = require('rabrpc') // singleton

const config = {
  connection: '<URI string>', // see above
  // send: 'foo-service-name' | ['foo-service-name', 'bar-service-name'] | {serviceName: 'foo-service-name'} | [{serviceName: 'foo-service-name'}, {serviceName: 'bar-service-name'}]
  send: 'foo-service-name'

// somewhere in your microservice initialization cycle
rpc.configure(config) // returns promise


Parmeter Value Example
exchange send-recv.serviceName send-recv.foo-service-name
queue send-recv.serviceName send-recv.foo-service-name
routingKey serviceName foo-service-name
messageType version.serviceName.action v1.foo-service-name.someAction
rpc.receive(messageType, handler, [raw = false])
  • messageType - full path for service action, e.g. 'v1.images.archive' or 'v1.statistics.synchronize' where second part (images, statistics) is a serviceName specified in config (in rabbot using as type of message)
  • handler - function, which takes payload, actions and messageType
    • payload or message - message if raw is true otherwise message.body
    • actions - object with 3 functions ack, nack, reject (see Rabbot Message API)
    • messageType - type of rabbot message (usefull when listening for types, which contain * or #)
  • raw - if true then first argument for handler will be rabbot message instead message.body by default
const rpc = require('rabrpc')

// before initialization
rpc.receive('v1.foo-service-name.someAction', (payload, actions, messageType) =>

// handler can aslo just return promise, or `.then`able or value and message will be ack'ed on promise resolution
// exception or rejected promise will cause nack'ing message

rpc.receive('v1.foo-service-name.anotherAction', payload =>
    /* ... */
) // auto ack

  (payload, actions, messageType) => {
    // you can manually ack message if you don't need default behaviuor
    actions.ack() // DO NOT RETURNS PROMISE
    const [version, serviceName, resource, actionName] = messageType.split('.')
    switch (actionName) {
      case 'find':
        return Resource.findAll(paylaod)
      case 'create':
        return Resource.create(payload)
      case 'destroy':
        return Resource.destroy(payload)
        throw new Error(`Action '${actionName}' is not supported!`) // will not produce nack call

// in your service initialization cycle
rpc.send(messageType, payload, [options])
  • messageType - see rpc.respond messageType argument
  • payload - payload data, which will passed into respond handler (see supported payload)
  • options - rabbot publish options (will be merged with defaults: {replyTimeout: 10000})

returns rabbot publish Promise (see Rabbot Publish)

const rpc = require('rabrpc')

// send allowed only after initialization
  .then(() => rpc.send('v1.foo-service-name.someAction', 42))
  .then(() => {
    console.log('Message sended')

Graceful shutdown


remove all handlers, unsubscribe from queues

Supported payload

  • string
  • number
  • null
  • JSON serializable Object
  • Buffer