Math API
A REST API built with HTTP4s. Requires a bit of work to get working correctly.
- Compile and run the app as-is by running
sbt run
- Access the "hello" endpoint at http://localhost:8080/hello/world . The page should print "Hello, world".
- Open the project in an editor and go to the "RestAPI.scala" file.
- In addition to the "hello" endpoint, you can see there is also a "max" and "average" endpoints.
- Test out the "max" endpoint by going to http://localhost:8080/max/3,2,73,3,1 . You'll see the result is fixed.
- Test out the "average" endpoint by going to http://localhost:8080/average/3,2,73,3,1 . You'll see the result is also fixed.
- Fix the "max" endpoint so that it returns the correct number.
- Fix the "average" endpoint so that it returns the correct number.
- Add basic input checking to the endpoints. You can return an error message if you detect improper input. For example, an empty input string shouldn't be allowed.