
It can provide list of prime numbers between any range the user provides and it can produces 1 to 1 billion range of prime number in 1 second.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Prime Number Generator

A robust and efficient engine that could generate Prime Numbers between a range provided by the users.


  • It has the capability to generate 1 to 10 million Prime Numbers under 1 seconds.

  • There are three generations stratergies provided to the user to generate the Prime Numbers.

  • Generation Stratergies

    1. Sieve of EratosThenes
    2. Sieve of Sundaram
    3. Sieve of Atkin


Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/swastik21/Prime-Number-Generator.git

Go to the project directory

  cd Prime-Number-Generator

Install dependencies

  npm install

Run the Engine

  npm run engine

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  npm run test

Run Server

To Start Server, run the following command

  npm run server

API Reference

Get Prime Numbers

  GET http://localhost:8080/generator
Parameter Type Description
range string Required. Provide range
choice string Required. Provide choice

API Documentation

Refer this Link for better understanding the working of the API.


For support, email swastikpoojari21@gmail.com.