
This is the personal page of Sylvain Watelet.


List of publications on Orbi (not updated anymore, see e.g. Google Scholar for more recent publications).

GS indexes

GSNW, GSD and GST indices can be downloaded here. Update 05/08/2019: GSNW indices corresponding to 4 sensitivity tests here.


Over 1940-2014:

Indexes no lag lag=1 year lag=2 years
NAO-GSNW 0.1812 0.3692 -0.02329
NAO-GSD 0.2077 0.1677 0.2069
NAO-GST 0.3476 0.1620 0.2202

Over 1960-2014:

Indexes no lag lag=1 year lag=2 years
NAO-GSD 0.4974 0.2838 0.4297
NAO-GST 0.3030 0.1119 0.2239