
This is a POC to start on Kubernetes concept

Primary LanguageJavaScript

hello-kubes: Kubernetes' simple example using local Docker image

To build an image:

$ docker build -t hello-kubes .

To verify the Docker image. Run command:

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -i -t hello-kubes:latest 

and test it with:

$ curl -v localhost:8080
which should return 'hello kubernetes!'

We can stop the docker and now use kubernetes to utilize our local image.

create the POD using pod.yaml

$ kubectl create -f pod.yaml

verify the pod created with:

$ kubectl get pods

To see its properties and values

$ kubectl describe pod hello-kubes

To run the POD which has the container image:

$ kubectl exec hello-kubes -i -t -- sh

Verify that the node server is running, using our container in POD:

$ curl http://localhost:8080
which should return 'hello kubernetes!'

Deploy using Deployment.yaml

$ kubectl apply -f Deployment.yaml 

Verify the deployment:

$ kubectl get deployments
$ kubectl describe deployments

create a service using service yml

$ kubectl apply -f service.yml

or by command with out using service.yml

$ kubectl expose deployment hellokubes-deployment --type=LoadBalancer --name=myservice