
Selenium Automation Framework using testNg and pageFactory

Primary LanguageHTML

Selenium Automation Project

Welcome to the Selenium Automation Demo Project! This project serves as hands-on demonstration of Selenium, an open-source automation testing framework widely used for web applications. Whether you're a beginner looking to explore the basics or an experienced tester aiming to enhance your Selenium skills, this project provides a practical guide to automation testing.

Application under test: https://www.saucedemo.com/ website.


Project Demonstates

  • The execution of test cases on multiple browsers.
  • Use of testng framework
  • Achieve Page Object Model design pattern using pageFactory
  • Maven project
  • Sington design pattern implementation
  • Reading data in multiple ways
    • via .properties file
    • from @DataProvider method
    • from added in testng.xml
  • Running test cases
    • single test class
    • multiple test classes by added under testng.xml
    • using maven surefire plugin
  • Integration of Listerners provided by testng
  • Integration of Logger
  • Execution report using Extent Report

Tech Stack

Language: Java 17

UI Automation library: Selenium (4.11.0)

Testing framework library: testNg (7.8.0)

Page object repository: PageFactory

Automation Framework: Hybrid

Project Building Tool: Maven 3.8.0

Reporting: Extent Report (5.1.1)

Test data/Configuration data: .properties file

Assertion framework: hamcrest-all (1.3)

Logger: slf4j-api with slf4j-simple as binder

Listerner: testNg Listerners

Project Folder Structure

It has 3 source folders

1. src/main/java - contains all code except test cases
2. src/test/java - contains test case classes
3. src/test/resource - contails configurations, test data related files

Here is a screenshot:

Folder Structure


Used testNg and POM results in hybrid Framework It has following components:

1. Test Base
2. Page Object Repository
3. Test Cases
4. Test Data
5. Configurations
6. Utilities
7. Report

Here is a framework flow diagram

Framework Flow Diagram

Project Setup

To run the test scenarios, need to have followings on your machine:

1. Java 17
2. Maven 3.8.5
3. Any IDE (Eclipse/IntelliJ)

Run Locally

  • Clone the project

    Go to the folder location where you want to keep local copy of the project

  git clone https://github.com/swatinerkar/selenium-testng-demo-project
  • Import the project as Maven project in any IDE (Eclipse/IntelliJ)

  • To run complete suite via testng.xml

    • right click on testng.xml
    • Run as -> TestNG suite


  • To run complete suite via maven

    • Right click on POM.xml file
    • Run as -> Maven test


  • To run via Run configuration

    • Go to Run on Toolbar
    • Run configuration
    • Select workplace, and add goals as 'test'
    • Click Apply and Run

    Run Configurations

Execution Report

  • Once the Execution is done, the report is available under Reports folder

  • If any test case fails, it will take the screen shot and attach it to the execution report.

    Report folder

    Report Folder

    Execution Report

    Execution Report

    Failure Screenshot

    Failure Screenshot

🚀 About Me

I'm a Software Automation Tester, having 11+ years of experience.

Please have a look on my Portfolio: @swatinerkar

My LinkedIn Profile: @swatinerkar

If you would like to have some guidence, you can book any of my service: @swatinerkar