
Primary LanguageJavaScript

UIRoundup.com Bookmarking site

This is the source code for UIRoundup.com


If you want this for your own, there are a few things you'll need to do, first, deploy this repo to Netlify with the button below (what this does: Forks the repository and then deploys that forked repository to your Netlify account)

Deploy to Netlify


  • A FaunaDB account
    • A FaunaDB "Collection" called "links"
    • An all_links index
  • Environment Variables in Netlify
    • FAUNADB_SERVER_SECRET (your server secret from Fauna)
    • API_KEY (a simple API you'll use as a query parameter to confirm it's you posting)
    • NETLIFY_REBUILD_HOOK (url to call when a rebuild needs to be triggered)
  • Netlify Dev CLI npm install -g netlify-cli

Installation and local work

  1. npm install
  2. ntl link
  3. ntl dev

Seriously, that should be all it takes


The site files live in the /src directory. This is where 11ty will build the site from. It will publish the files to /app.

The Lambda Function lives in /lambda. The main functions doing the heavy lifting are in /lambda/bookmarks/create.js.

Setting up a shortcut

Create a new bookmark shortcut replacing your domain and apikey

javascript: (function () {
    const domain='http://localhost:8888';
    const apikey='YOUR_API_KEY';
    const url=encodeURI(document.location);
    const uiRoundup_createRemoteBookmark = ()=>{