The collaborative swc paper
Florian Goth and the rest of Wuerzburg Software Carpentry Team.
Jonathan Patzke, Tobias Müller, Mindaugas Pauzuolis, Pablo Basteiro, Christoph Binsfeld, Ye Ouyang, Wen-Hui Cheng, Stefano Navarro, Elena Bencurova, Priya N, Kim Martin
Very interesting stuff.
github user names: Francisella, NadineWei, Priya, Stefano Navarro
github user names: tobiaslcmueller Bycreatinganaccount
Group members: philko4711, lyapschaff, MindaugasPauzuolis, PabloBasteiro, Mohamed washington002
github user names: Schaefer_N1@ukw.de Cbinsfeld yeouyang
github user names: WenHuiCheng K-C-Martin unithmueller crsoph jdseufert