
Simulation results for 1593 hydropower dams under historical and projected 21st century climate conditions


Simulation results for 1593 hydropower dams under historical and projected 21st century climate conditions


The official repository for these data is now hydroshare: https://www.hydroshare.org/resource/90628426e37c4c83b8e45527cece6fdd/

Further details of each dam (location, installed capacity, etc.) can be obtained by linking to the relevent GRanD database ID, given in GRanD_ID.csv in the main directory.

Data files can be read easily in R using (e.g.):

load(".../20th Century Simulations/Power_1906_2000")

All data are in monthly time series. The 20th century simulations are saved as a multi time series (mts) object for the period 1906 - 2000 (1140 months * 1593 dams). The GCM-forced simulations are saved as lists with multiple time series for each dam, representing storage, release, power and so on.