
snippets for creating xml files for Aurora



Snippets extension for creating xml files for Aurora using Visual Studio Code.

Snippets start with aurora: and work in xml files (set xml language mode on index files).



  • populate file with base structure for index or elements file
    • file entry snippet
  • todo comment snippet
  • basic element snippet and seperate snippets for element parts
    • setters
    • rules
    • sheet description
    • spellcasting node
  • snippets for descriptions
    • div element
    • h4 heading + paragraphs
    • table / table-d8
    • indent feature paragraph
  • specific snippets for grants such as:
    • skill proficiencies
    • weapon proficiencies
    • armor proficiencies
    • saving throw proficiencies
    • resistance conditions
  • element snippets (source, spell, language, background, background feature, more to be added overtime)


initial work in progress release