
Sweat The Token

Primary LanguageRust


📦 Dependencies

  • Install near-cli: npm install -g near-cli
  • Install Rust (>= 1.60.0) curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
  • rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Build & Run tests

//The wasm file will be at `res/sweat.wasm`

cargo test -- --nocapture
cargo run --example mint
cargo run --example transfer
cargo run --example formula


export TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID=your-token-account-id

Deploy and initialize the contract:

near deploy --accountId=$TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID --wasmFile=res/sweat.wasm --initArgs '{"postfix": ".u.sweat.testnet"}' --initFunction new

Add an oracle

export ORACLE_ACCOUNT_ID=your-oracle-account-id
near call $TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID add_oracle `{"account_id":"${ORACLE_ACCOUNT_ID}"}` --accountId $TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID --gas=2428088695050
near view sweat_testing_11.testnet get_oracles
[ 'your-oracle-account-id' ]

Call view methods

near view $TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID get_steps_from_tge

near view $TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID formula '{"steps_from_tge":"1", "steps":1000}'

near view $TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID ft_balance_of '{"account_id":"some-random-account.testnet"}'

Send steps as an Oracle

near call $TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID record_batch '{"steps_batch": [["random-guy-1.testnet", 10000],["random-gal-2.testnet", 20000] ]}' --accountId $ORACLE_ACCOUNT_ID --gas=300000000000000

Transfer tokens

# not necessarily $ORACLE_ACCOUNT_ID, can be any local account
near call $TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID ft_transfer '{"receiver_id":"<receiver id>", "amount":"100", "memo":"hello world!"}' --accountId $ORACLE_ACCOUNT_ID --depositYocto 1

Pay for storage

# not necessarily $ORACLE_ACCOUNT_ID, can be any local account
near call $TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID storage_deposit '{"account_id":"random-guy-1.testnet"}' --accountId $ORACLE_ACCOUNT_ID --depositYocto 2350000000000000000000

near view $TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID storage_balance_of '{"account_id":"random-guy-1.testnet"}' --accountId $ORACLE_ACCOUNT_ID

Mint tokens

near call $TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID mint_tge '{"amount":"100", "account_for":"<account_for>"}' --accountId $TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ID --gas=300000000000000

Deferring tokens

Smart contracts interaction

For information about claiming tokens from Holding account refer to the Sweat Claim repo.