Signature Validation Token (SVT) Draft Specifications

NEWS - This document has been approved for publication as RFC:

This draft has been approved for publication by the IETF and the document is currently in the IETF RFC-Editors que for publication as RFC.

Progress in the publication process is available here:

This is the working area for the draft of Signature Validation Token (SVT) currently being processed in the IETF independent submission stream.

An orientation to the subject is available in the following presentation:

Current working draft for the SVT specification is located in the folder:

  • svt-main for the main protocol (including profiles for XML, PDF and JWS)

The latest compiled version of the main draft is located in the this root directory.

Note: That the latest working version found here normally is a later version than the last version submitted to the IETF.

Latest draft submitted to the IETF:

Deprecated documents:

Profiles for XML, PDF and JWS were previously specified in their own independent drafts. These are now moved to the main document. The old deprecated profiles drafts are kept for reference here:

  • svt-xml previous XML profile drafts
  • svt-pdf previous PDF profile drafts
  • svt-jws previous JWS profile drafts

Open source and reference implementation

Implementation of version 1.0 of this specification is available as open source. This open source is free to use under the Apache 2.0 license.

Repo Description ore components for generation and validation of Signature Validation Tokens SVT enhanced signature validation and functions to extend XML and PDF documents with SVT tokens.

A reference implementation is available at: This implementation validates elecronic signatures against the EU trusted list (TSL) as well as validatin based on SVT and provides the capability to extend XML and PDF docuemtns with SVT tokens.


This is the preliminary repository for developing drafts related to signature validation tokens intended for standardization and publication as an IETF standards track RFC.

This repository may be replaces at a later stage with a repository assigned by the IETF.

Contributions are wellcome either by

  • submitting issues
  • by providing pull requests
  • by sending e-mail to the authors (see current draft for author contact info)

Building The Drafts

Each draft folder has a build script for building the txt drafts

This requires locally installed kramdown-rfc2629 ( and xml2rfc (

Submission procedure

  1. Build the draft to be submitted
  2. Rename draft to the appropriate version number and remove "-SNAPSHOT" from name.
  3. Create a published/draft-nn folder inside the target draft folder and place relevant markdown and text document of the submited version.
  4. Update the version number of the current working draft.
  5. Create a new release of the Github repo.

Issue processing procedure

Create an issue in the repo

If issue is a minor issue: fix the issue in master and close the issue

If the issue is a substantial issue:

  1. Create a branch named after the issue
  2. Fix the issue
  3. Create a pull request and request review
  4. Iterate until issue is resolved
  5. Merge to master and close the issue


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  • All IETF Contributions are subject to the rules of RFC 5378 and RFC 3979 (updated by RFC 4879).

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Please consult RFC 5378 and RFC 3979 for details.

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