Shows heart rate color arcs with a heart rate indicator. This is free a Data Field for the Fenix 3 that shows multiple values on a single field. Heart Rate Runner is open source and its code resides at github:
Release versions of Heart Rate Runner are published in the Garmin App Store
- To Konrad Paumann
- Thank you for your hard work and making your code freely available!!!
- Heart Rate Runner datafield is an addition to RunnersField
- RunnersField is open source and its code resides at github:
- Release versions of RunnersField are published in the Garmin App Store
- HEART RATE: shows five colored zones. Zone is made thicker when in zone and indicator shows where in the zone you are.
- HEART RATE SETTINS: you can set your own zones in settings
- TIME: 12/24h mode based on system settings.
- PACE: pace in km/min or mi/min based on system settings (as average of the last 10 values).
- AVG PACE: average pace over the whole activity.
- DISTANCE: elapsed distance in km or miles based on system settings.
- DURATION: duration of the activity in [hh:]mm:ss
- use bright or dark color scheme based on the background color setting of the app (Settings/Apps/Run/Background Color). needs at least a firmware with SDK 1.2 compatibility (otherwise bright scheme is always used).
A Data Field needs to be set up within the settings for a given activity (like Run)
- Long Press UP
- Settings
- Apps
- Run
- Data Screens
- Screen N
- Layout
- Select single field
- Field 1
- Select ConnectIQ Fields
- Select HeartRateRunner
- Long Press Down to go back to watch face
Start Run activity. Hopefully you see the HeartRateRunner datafield and can read the values.
- Optemized code
- Moved Time to center
- Minor change to heartrate indicator making it more precise
- Hard set background of heartrate and time to black because of readability issues in inverse mode
- Added some screenshots, showing settings and that the app can be deleted through Garmin connect app
- Heart rate zones can now be set trough settings
- Had to remove gps indication because of memory issues
- Heart rate better visualization (white on black) on bottom center
- Added time in heart rate zone top center
- Improved memory print
- Removed battery and gps visualization in service of memory and time spend in heart rate zone
- Fixed an error
- Heart rate indicator better accuracy
- Heart rate zone indicator now black with white edges, hopefully better visible
- Heart rate zones are calculated with age: hrmax = 217 - (0.85 × age)
- zone1 = maxHr * 0.64;
- zone2 = maxHr * 0.72;
- zone3 = maxHr * 0.79;
- zone4 = maxHr * 0.87;
- zone5 = maxHr * 0.94;
- hrmax = 217 - (0.85 × age);