
Kitty graphics Go library and CLI tool for displaying images in the terminal.

Primary LanguageGo


A Kitty Terminal graphics CLI tool and Library.

lcat image preview placing images in the terminal

The lcat CLI tool

if you are familiar with icat then the options are basically the exact same.

lcat --align=left img.png
lcat --place=10x10@0x0 img.png

As a Library

package main

import (


func lcat(args []string, opt Opts) error {
	var optss = &icat.Options{
		Align:              opt.Align,
		Place:              opt.Place,
		ScaleUp:            opt.ScaleUp,
		Background:         opt.Background,
		Mirror:             opt.Mirror,
		TransferMode:       opt.TransferMode,
		Clear:              opt.Clear,
		DetectSupport:      opt.DetectSupport,
		DetectionTimeout:   opt.DetectionTimeout,
		UseWindowSize:      opt.UseWindowSize,
		PrintWindowSize:    opt.PrintWindowSize,
		Stdin:              opt.Stdin,
		Engine:             opt.Engine,
		ZIndex:             opt.ZIndex,
		Loop:               opt.Loop,
		Hold:               opt.Hold,
		UnicodePlaceholder: opt.UnicodePlaceholder,
		Passthrough:        opt.Passthrough,
		ImageId:            opt.ImageId,

	_, err := icat.Icat(optss, args)
	if err != nil {
		return err

if you are using lcat as a library for a TUI you will want to ensure that STDIN is set to false otherwise garbage data will be read on STDIN and cause an error.