
A sudo / doas clone written in Go

Primary LanguageGo

A simple and minimal implementation of a privelage escalation tool similar to `sudo`, `su` or `doas`.

example of suwu being used


# run  a shell as root user
suwu --shell
# run  a shell as a specific user
suwu --shell --user=$USER
# run  a shell as a specific group
suwu --shell --group=$GROUP_NAME
# preserve the environment of the current shell
suwu -E -- ls -lah /
# pass environment variables to the following command
suwu --env TERM=xterm --env MY_SECRET=xyz123 --user=nobody /bin/bash
# change directory for command
suwu --chdir / --shell
# terminate flag parsing with a double-dash
suwu -E -- ls -1 | xargs echo


  • Using just with Go, install instructions here: https://github.com/casey/just
  • Using the bash script (requires go)

or grab a binary from releases


  • add credential caching
  • add a config file
  • use pinentry or zenity as a GUI option to enter password
  • be cross-platform (Linux/Windows/Mac/BSD)
  • honor the sudoers file or a similar version of that file