
For self-practice and progress

1. Something to do with array

  • the first edition implements basic functions and operations to manipulate an array of type int
  • the second edition aims to use generics and supports dynamic resizing mechanism

2. Stack and queue

  • **Stack is implemented with Array(Second edition) **
  • first edition of Queue is implemented in 2019/5/10 in the lab, the loop Queue will be implemented in the next step
  • the loop queue is implemented and tested(2019/5/11 afternoon in the lab)

3. Linkedlist

  • linked list finished in 2019/5/14 night in the lab. basic functions are all implemented
  • implement stack and queue using linked list (2019/5/15 night in the lab)
  • all left work are finished in 2019/5/17 afternoon in the lab

4. Linkedlist and recursion

  • this part is not suitable for making demonstration coding due to the unspecified demands
  • the relevant puzzles could be found in Leetcode

5. Binary Search Tree

  • all three DFS traverse methods(pre-order, in-order, post-order) are implemented both in recursive and non-recursive. (2019/5/21)
  • the BFS(Breadth First Search) method is also implemented using the queue.(2019/5/21)

6.Collection and Mapping

7. New in 2022

  • rewrite everything in c++ and introduce gtest