A dashboard for Pivots at the office.
To run the status board locally, do the following:
$ git clone git@github.com:spilth/pivotal-life.git
$ cd pivotal-life
$ bundle
$ cp .env{.dist,}
Open the .env
from the last line above and customize to your liking.
Don't check that file into version control.
Start up Dashing:
$ dashing start
Then navigate to http://localhost:3030/nyc.
$ heroku apps:create myapp
$ heroku config:set LATITUDE=<your lat>
$ heroku config:set LONGITUDE=<your long>
$ heroku config:set FORECAST_API_KEY=<your forecast.io api key>
$ heroku config:set EVENT_CALENDAR_URL=<your google calendar xml url>
$ heroku config:set TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY=<your twitter consumer key>
$ heroku config:set TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET=<your twitter consumer secret>
$ heroku config:set TWITTER_OAUTH_TOKEN=<your twitter oauth token>
$ heroku config:set TWITTER_OAUTH_SECRET=<your twitter oauth secret>
$ git push heroku master
Check out http://shopify.github.com/dashing for more information.