
Data visualization of UN financial expenditure/revenue

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Data visualization of UN financial expenditure/revenue

Background and Overview

As a Computer Science and International Relations double-major, I am interested in ways these fields intersect. This project will show how United Nations is structured, where it is getting funding from ,and where the money is being used. This will be an important visualization for the discussion of the future role of intergovernmental organizations in world politics.

Functionality and MVP Features

In this project, users will be able to

  • look at UN organization tree
  • see animation for donation by country by years
  • see expenditure by agency
  • see expenditure by country
  • total expenditure by category

In addition, this project will include,

  • logo of subparts of UN


The app will consist of a 3 different section a user can naviagte to. The upper right corner will have icons that will show my GitHub and LinkedIn profile.

Architecture and Technologies

This project will be implemented with the following technologies:

  • Vanilla JavaScript for overall structure
  • D3 for map and bubble chart
  • Webpack to bundle and serve up the various scripts.

Development Timeline

Day 1: Initial set up

  • Get webpack running with basic entry file and skeleton
  • Find data files and narrow down the data set

Day 2: expenditure by agency & donation by country & expenditure by country * *

Day 3: look at UN organization tree *

Day 4: animation for growth of UN memberships

Day 5: Bonus

  • Enhance user experience
  • Implement bonus features

Bonus features

  • map for IGO headquarters (darker color for places with more IGO)