
Configures chef-client provisioner blocks automatically from your hosts knife.rb

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


This Vagrant plugin allows you to automatically configure all your Chef client provisioner blocks from your host's knife.rb. Just install the plugin and use the chef-client provisioners in Vagrant. That's it.


vagrant plugin install vagrant-chefconfig


In your Vagrantfile use the plugin like so:

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|
  config.vm.box = "precise64"
  config.vm.provision :chef_client do |chef|
    chef.node_name = 'vagrant-mydummytest'
    chef.run_list = [ 'recipe[dummy::fail]' ]

The plugin will automatically configure the following Vagrant chef-client provisioner attributes from your knife.rb.

Vagrant chef-client attribute -> knife config attribute

  • chef_server_url - same
  • log_level - same
  • validation_key_path - maps to validation_key
  • validation_client_name - same
  • environment - maps to vagrant_environment, this is a non-standard knife config key.
  • encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path - maps to encrypted_data_bag_secret

Values specified directly in the Vagrantfile override any configured values found in your knife configuration file.

Optional Configuration

By default the plugin will be enabled and the path to the knife.rb uses the standard Knife configuration loading mechanism. You can override this behavior using the following optional plugin configuration options:

  • chefconfig.enabled = false
  • chefconfig.knife_config_path = '/my/nonstandard/path/knife.rb'



Initial release for Vagrant 1.5



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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
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  5. Create new Pull Request