A 4D component that wraps calls to the JSON commands in Miyako's OAuth plugin. The 4DB file is currently a v12 structure.
You can download Miyako's plugin here.
Sorry no example on here yet, will get something on here soon.
- Obj_StartupInit //gotta call on startup
- Obj_AlertIfErrOn
- Obj_AlertIfErrOff
- Obj_ResolveDotsOn
- Obj_ResolveDotsOff
- Obj_ErrGetLast //returns true if there was an error, clears the last error, pass pointer to text to get error name
- Obj_JsonParseText //if there is a problem parsing, the returned ref will be ""
- Obj_JsonParseBlob
- Obj_JsonParseDoc
- Obj_JsonStringify
- Obj_JsonBlobify
- Obj_JsonToPasteboard
- Obj_New
- Obj_Named //if doesn't exist create, otherwise just get it
- Obj_Copy
- Obj_Retain //if put in another object, it won't get released when that parent object gets released
- Obj_Release
- Obj_ReleaseAllForProcess
- Obj_ReleaseAll
- Obj_NodesInMemory
- Obj_Exists
- Obj_PropIsDefined
- Obj_PropCount
- Obj_PropNameByPosition
- Obj_PropValueType
- Obj_DeleteProp
the getters can use dot notation like this:
Obj_GetText ($Obj;"hey.cool")
cannot access the individual elements of primitive arrays like Text or Long arrays but you can access the elements of arrays of objects or arrays like this (ref is 1 based):
Obj_GetText ($Obj;"ArrayOfObjects[2].something") //gets the something value in the second object in the array of objects
- Obj_GetVar
- Obj_GetText
- Obj_GetLong
- Obj_GetReal
- Obj_GetBool
- Obj_GetDate
- Obj_GetBlob
- Obj_GetArrayText
- Obj_GetArrayLong
- Obj_GetArrayReal
- Obj_GetArrayBool
- Obj_GetArrayDate
- Obj_GetObj
- Obj_GetArrOfOA
- Obj_GetValueIsNull
- Obj_SetVar
- Obj_SetText
- Obj_SetLong
- Obj_SetReal
- Obj_SetBool
- Obj_SetDate
- Obj_SetBlob
- Obj_SetArrayText
- Obj_SetArrayLong
- Obj_SetArrayReal
- Obj_SetArrayBool
- Obj_SetArrayDate
- Obj_SetObj
- Obj_SetArrOfOA
- Obj_SetNull
note that an object of objects/arrays is easy, just use something like Obj_SetObj or Obj_SetTextArray
- ObjArrOfOA__New
- ObjArrOfOA_AppendObj
- ObjArrOfOA_AppendTextArray //we can't set an array at a specific position in an an array of arrays, can only append
- ObjArrOfOA_AppendLongArray
- ObjArrOfOA_AppendRealArray
- ObjArrOfOA_AppendBoolArray
- ObjArrOfOA_AppendDateArray
- ObjArrOfOA_AppendArray
- ObjArrOfOA_GetElemRefs //if the elem is an object, this is the handle for the object, if array need to use Obj_ArrOf_ElemRefTo_X_Array
- ObjArrOfOA_GetElemType
- ObjArrOfOA_ElemRefToTextArray
- ObjArrOfOA_ElemRefToLongArray
- ObjArrOfOA_ElemRefToRealArray
- ObjArrOfOA_ElemRefToBoolArray
- ObjArrOfOA_ElemRefToDateArray
- ObjArrOfOA_ElemRefToArray
Copyright 2013 CoreBits DataWorks LLC
Released under the MIT license (included in distribution in MIT LICENSE.txt)