
An Awesome List of AdventOfCode Participants

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Awesome AdventOfCode

Below is a list of all people participating in AdventOfCode that share their repositories publicly. Of course, this list isn't complete, and probably never will be, but hopefully, you'll be able to learn a lot!

Yes, the list is short, but we're just getting started!

Add yourself

Add yourself to this list! Submit a pull request to add yourself to the list in the current format. Make sure to add with a few keywords the features of your repository. For example if it has features such as browser-based, CLI based or visualisations.

Awesome People List

Name Programming Language(s) Repository Features
Daniel Sandberg C#, F# https://github.com/bjorndaniel/AdventOfCode
Mark Simpson Common Lisp https://github.com/verdammelt/advent-of-code
Rene Pot JavaScript https://github.com/topener/adventofcode Node/CLI based
Eric Burden Julia, R, Rust https://github.com/ericwburden/advent_of_code
David Brownman Python https://github.com/xavdid/advent-of-code Writeups, CLI, Runner
Alex Wilson SQL, DuckDB https://github.com/mrwilson/advent-of-code-2022
Svetlin Zarev Rust https://github.com/SvetlinZarev/advent-of-code CLI
Tim Lefkowitz Java https://github.com/timlefkowitz/advent-of-code-2022 Maven